20 APRIL 2015

1.       Identify between Countable and Uncountable Noun in the following!
a.       I bought chair, table and desk. In other hand, I bought some furniture
b.      Ann likes to wear jewelry. Today she is wearing ring, bracelet and necklace
c.       We saw beautiful mountain, field and lake on our trip. In other word, we saw beautiful scenery
d.      Gold and iron are metal
e.      In the united state, baseball is called the national pastime. To play it, you need a baseball and a bat.
f.        I had chicken and rice for dinner last night
g.       I drank glass of water
2.       Choose the correct adjective or adverb in parentheses below!
a.       George is a (careless, carelessly) writer. He writes (careless, carelessly)
b.      Fitranto asked me an (easy, easily) question. I answered it (easy, easily)
c.       Sally speaks (soft, softly). She has a (soft, softly) skin
d.      I entered to my class (quiet, quietly) because I was late
e.      Ali speaks English very (good, well). He has very (good, well) pronunciation.
f.        This math problem looks (comfortable, comfortably)
g.       Ipunk looked at the problem (careful, carefully) and then solved it
h.      I felt (sad, sadly) when I heard the news
i.         Alfa smiled (cheerful, cheerfully) because it was hot. The soup tasted (good, well)
3.       Choose the correct pronoun below !
a.       I go to schoolnwith (he/him) everyday
b.      I see (her/she/herself) at the class everyday
c.       (He/him) is going to school on Monday
d.      Isn’t (she/her) nice person?
e.      (Yours/your) record is scratched and my/mine is too
f.        John bought (himself/hisself/herself) a new book
g.       We like (our/ours) new car very much
h.      The dog bit she her on the lag
i.         Everyone has to do (their/his) exercise today
j.        Monday is a beautiful day for (us/we/our) life
4.       Identify the Nominal or Verbal sentences below!
a.       Computer is amazing tool (……………………………….)
b.      You have been the interviewer (……………………………….)
c.       You want to take a dumb today (……………………………….)
d.      Do you want to buy a cup of coffee? (……………………………….)
e.      We have many friends here (……………………………….)
f.        Ghazali wrote that letter last night at home (……………………………….)
g.       Ufuk will be alright here waiting you (……………………………….)
h.      What do you think about outbound yesterday? (……………………………….)
5.       Question
1 )      Change these sentences into Yes/No Question
a.       Fadholi is a detective
b.      The police officer will give a piece of the paper to Mr. Fariz
c.       There are some cigarettes in that bow
d.      Miss. Gaza and Nimas looked at Their shopping list
e.      Ghustavu wrote a letter to his aunt two weeks ago
f.        Kiki’s aunt can send him a letter next month
g.       Mr. Randy is cooking in the kitchen
h.      Miss. Eka and her members are taking a walk in the morning
2)      WH Question: Fill the blank areas!
a.       The girls give me smile beautifully at school
1          2    3       4             5               6
b.      Lucky will give us money next week
     1          2        3      4              5


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